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IK4-IDEKOk 3D-ri buruzko Foro teknologiko eta enpresarialean parte hartu du

IK4-IDEKOk 3D-ri buruzko Foro teknologiko eta enpresarialean parte hartu du

This event will focus on the opportunities and applications for 3D computer vision and will be held at the CREA head office. This is another technology and business forum organised by the SAMCA chair in Technological Development, the I3A of the University of Zaragoza and the Regional Business Confederation of Aragon. This forum is a benchmark in collaboration between University-Technology Centres-Industry and in socio-economic topics.

At this event, opportunities and applications for 3D computer vision are presented in areas such as mobile devices, video games, robotics and mining, among other areas. It is also a meeting point to exchange experiences.

goal of computer vision is to develop software to extract information contained in the images. Thus, 3D information can be obtained from a scene reaching submillimeter accuracy with applications in metrology and quality control and robotised machinery. Furthermore, it possible to obtain a rough estimate of the location of the camera, which is very useful in mobile robotics, as the robot can locate objects with which it will interact. It also has an important impact on augmented reality, both for video game applications and in medical or industrial fields.

The topic of the first round table debate is "R&D&I in 3D computer vision" where "Photogrammetry for dimensional control and optimal alignment of bulky blanks" will be discussed. One of the table members is Alberto Mendikute, head of the Inspection and Measurement Line of IK4-IDEKO.

intervención de Mendicute en el foro visión 3D


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