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Interview with Quentin Morteveille, engineering student who has just joined IDEKO to carry out the internships, in telework mode

Interview with Quentin Morteveille, engineering student who has just joined IDEKO to carry out the internships, in telework mode

“IDEKO provides a good environment and favourable conditions for teleworking”

The emergency health situation caused by the covid-19 pandemic has led to a change in working routines, and has involved the activation of safety protocols to ensure people’s health. Among these measures are the remote working systems and the home office, solutions that IDEKO is successfully applying thanks to its deep knowledge of information and communication technologies and its expertise in the digitalisation of production processes.

The research centre is committed to people and understands that in the current context the capacity for communication, flexibility, teamwork and adaptability to a changing and challenging environment is more important than ever.

IDEKO remains fully operational and is not only continuing to perform its functions aimed at research and development of advanced technologies for industrial manufacturing processes, but also continues to bring in talent.

In this exceptional scenario, the entity continues to carry out its   recruitment and hiring processes through telematic solutions, with virtual interviews and intensified training processes, and supporting new recruits via digital platforms.

In short, the technology is being converted into value so that people who arrive feel part of the team and have a pleasant welcome.

Quentin Morteveille, a student of engineering, has been the first person to join IDEKO through this new virtual mode. From his home in Toulouse, he has just joined the Dynamics and Control research group in a work placement role.

When did you join IDEKO and how have your first remote working experiences been?

I joined the Dynamics and Control group on 4 May this year. I work from my home in Toulouse, France, and I am in continuous contact with managers Xavier Beudaert and Oier Franco Dobaran, whom I communicate with through Microsoft Teams. They were responsible for introducing me to the research centre, putting me in contact with the rest of the group and the people I work with, and they told me about the communication processes and mechanisms that are used internally for work.

How did you find out about IDEKO?

I found out about the research centre in the talent forum of my university, the École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées (ESTIA), which is held every year in November.

How is your daily work routine?

It is very good. I work from 8 in the morning till 5 in the evening, with breaks. IDEKO provides a good environment and favourable conditions for teleworking. Also, I have a conducive work environment, which is quiet where I can isolate myself and concentrate.

What are the advantages of working from home?

The main advantage is not having to travel from home to the company. I don’t have to take the car or invest time in travelling. Furthermore, the hours are more flexible.

What project are you working on?

My project comes within the Dynamics and Control research group activity and consists of developing an actuator with a linear motor that acts on very low frequencies. I am reading and understanding the operation of the software and the work previously carried out in order to bring myself up to date with the state-of-the-art

Quentin is now another member of the IDEKO family, an entity that continues developing selection and hiring processes and maintains active offers on its website.

To contact IDEKO, you can use the usual communication channels:

Telephone: 943 74 80 00


And, of course, the talent section on the website:


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