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IK4-IDEKO, another year at the forefront of research in advanced manufacturing

IK4-IDEKO, another year at the forefront of research in advanced manufacturing

IK4-IDEKO played a prominent part in the 64th assembly organised by the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) that was held last August in Cape Town (South Africa) centred on exchanging knowledge and analysing future prospects.

The encounter held between 23 and 29 August aims to boost R&D among the members of CIRP, the leading body in the sector, through an international network of researchers and other relevant stakeholders in the field of industrial production.

IK4-IDEKO had a significant participation by delegating the manager of the research line Dynamics and Control,Jokin Muñoa, and the researcher of the department of Manufacturing and production systems, David Barrenetxea, both associate members of the CIRP.

Dr. Muñoa presented the article "Active suppression of structural chatter vibrations using machine drives and accelerometers", one of only two Spanish papers that were accepted by the assembly, a fact that shows difficult it is to be selected to present a paper.

edition, the first to be held in the African continent, witnessed a high level of articles, presentations and Keynotes (presentations that analyse the next-generation technologies and future challenges) included in the programme.

of the keynotes of this year dealt with advanced cutting technologies in the aerospace industry such as the one entitled "High performance cutting of advanced aerospace alloys and composite materials".

The leading grinding machines DANTIP and DANUBI in this industry, manufactured by the Basque machine-tool company Danobat, were also mentioned in the presentation "Abrasive machining of advanced aerospace alloys and composites".

Other outstanding keynotes focused on materials and additive manufacturing such as "Metalworking fluids-Mechanisms and Performance", "Materials in machine tool structures", "Micro additive manufacturing using ultra short laser pulses" and "Joining of dissimilar materials".

If it is not an easy task to submit an article, delivering a Keynote is equally daunting as it is necessary to have obtained recognition as an international reference in the addressed field. In addition, it is imperative that the subject of the keynote is current and of high interest to the rest of the participants.

During this edition, Dr Muñoa gave a summary of the current status of the keynote to be delivered in 2016 called: "Chatter Suppression Techniques".


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