Last news about IDEKO.

IDEKO's revenue amounts to 10.6 million euros, almost half from contracts with companies

IDEKO's revenue amounts to 10.6 million euros, almost half from contracts with companies
  • The turnover in 2019 is up 4% from the previous year.
  • 45% of last year's income was the result of IDEKO's technology transfer projects to the private sector, a figure that shows our insight in the reality of the business world.
  • The results were approved at the General Assembly of the research centre, held on 16 July in a hybrid face-to-face and distance format, due to the current health emergency caused by covid-19.

The revenue registered by the Basque Research Centre IDEKO, member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), stood at 10.6 million euros in 2019, an increase of 4% over the 10.2 million euros of the previous year. This signifies a consolidation of the activity of the entity, both in the field of research and in projects with the private sector, the latter responsible for half the turnover.

Specifically, 45% of the total revenue is the result of the 165 technology transfer projects to the private sector carried out last year, a figure that shows our awareness of the reality of the business fabric. The remaining 55% of our income comes from R&D&i programmes ran by several European, Spanish and Basque institutions.

The research centre carried out the above without neglecting scientific production. In 2019 we held 32 active patents, 5 of which were granted in that year. In addition, we increased our dissemination work with 34 indexed publications.

Staff at IDEKO now includes 110 people, 29% of whom are doctors. Eight more professionals who are currently working on their doctoral thesis at the centre will up this number in the near future.

“Last year was a significant year for IDEKO in which important milestones were achieved. While 2019 marked the end of a strategic cycle, 2020 will be a year marked by uncertainty. Despite the important challenges that await us, we start from a consolidated position in our specialization: the development of advanced technologies for industrial manufacturing. We are a well-established research centre that remains firmly committed to excellence, technology transfer to the market and proximity to the business sector", assures IDEKO's managing director, Nerea Aranguren.

The results were approved at the General Assembly of the research centre, held on 16 July in a hybrid face-to-face and distance format, during which all protocols and safety standards were strictly adhered to in the context of the current health crisis caused by covid-19.

The qualitative perspective

On a qualitative level, 2019 was marked by several significant milestones for the research centre. We completed the European projects DITAS and COROMA projects, which enabled IDEKO to make a leap forward in the quality of platforms for developing data-based applications and industrial robotics.

Also in the field of research, the ZAero project, which focuses on new defect-free manufacturing processes for large composite parts in the aviation sector, received the Innovation Award at the JEC World event.

The entity also was involved in several open frameworks in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), always from the perspective of its specialization in advanced manufacturing. In this sense, AI has a significant potential for obtaining greater overall efficiency of machines or industrial plants and for changing the way manufacturers operate their production plants and offer services to their customers.

As for our presence in international forums in 2019, our researchers participated in organizing the International Congress of the Spanish Association of Non-Destructive Testing (AEND), which was held in June in Vitoria.

We also collaborated in the organization of the nineteenth edition of the International Congress of Euspen, dedicated to the field of precision, which was held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao in the same month.

On a national level, our presence at the Machine Tool Congress, where we presented 10 technical papers, was rewarded with the prize for the best scientific paper at the event for our researcher María García.

Last year was also a year marked by the adaptations of the Ideko facilities. In this regard, the remodelling of the Precision Laboratory stands out, which is an area of specialisation at IDEKO significantly enhanced by the agreement reached with the multinational in optics Zeiss, who continues to back us as its benchmark centre.

Another significant milestone for the technology centre last year was the end of its stage in the IK4 technology alliance and the beginning of a new cycle as a member of BRTA.

“As a constituent member of this technological consortium, IDEKO is facing this new stage of collaboration between agents and public bodies with great optimism” says Aranguren.

Despite the fact that 2020 is full of uncertainty, the Elgoibar research centre is a reference point in its specialisation and, throughout this year, Ideko will tackle the definition of a new research plan to guide its development in advanced manufacturing technologies for the coming years.


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