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IDEKO showcases latest advances in photogrammetry at the Spanish Metrology Congress

IDEKO showcases latest advances in photogrammetry at the Spanish Metrology Congress
Last week’s participation of IDEKO at the latest Spanish Metrology Congress (CEM) was outstanding. The congress was held in Ávila from 26th to 29th September.

At the congress, the researcher Pablo Puerto presented the results of an innovative portable photogrammetry system in collaboration with the German technology centre PTB

The IDEKO research centre continues to make progress in the field of precision, firmly committed to specialising in vision systems based on photogrammetry technology, a technique that allows precise three-dimensional measurement of objects by processing images captured with digital cameras.

In this context, the research centre took part last week in the seventh edition of the Spanish Metrology Congress to present a paper focused on precision photogrammetry. Specifically, IDEKO's precision engineering researcher, Pablo Puerto, presented the results obtained through collaboration with PTB, a leading German institute in the field of dimensional metrology.

Puerto presented the paper "Strategies for measuring large volumes using photogrammetry", showing the precision features of the VSET portable system, a measuring system based on 3D vision photogrammetry technology, entirely developed by IDEKO. In this research, they took as a reference for evaluation the processes and verification equipment of laser-tracker equipment, aimed at the processes of dimensional control and setting of parts manufactured by large machine tools of Soraluce, a world leader in milling, boring and turning technology. In addition to Pablo Puerto and Alberto Mendikute from IDEKO, Daniel Heißelmann and Simon Muller from PTB also participated in this research.

Thanks to the collaboration between the two centres, as Puerto explained during his talk, "we have managed to check the measurement uncertainty of the portable VSET system developed by IDEKO for large Soraluce parts, by using an artefact with calibrated bars of up to 12m in length -Reference Wall at the PTB-".

Likewise, in the field of metrology and photogrammetry, a few weeks ago researchers from the Basque centre visited the Stuart Robson laboratory at the University College London in London (United Kingdom), one of the main international benchmarks in 3D photogrammetry and dimensional metrology of large components, with whom they also collaborate within the framework of the DynaMITE project. During the visit, the researchers had the opportunity to share know-how and means to search for the limits of precision and speed of photogrammetric technology. In addition, a demonstrator for the aeronautical sector yielded satisfactory results in comparison with laser-tracker equipment.

Besides precision photogrammetry, the centre's commitment to precision across different technologies is, together with Artificial Intelligence (AI), one of the research centre's research priorities for the coming years.

About the Spanish Metrology Congress (CEM)

The event, organised by the Spanish Metrology Centre in collaboration with the Regional Government of Castilla y León, was held from 26 to 29 September in Ávila. Under the title "Metrology in the age of digitalisation and sustainability", apart from IDEKO’s session the seventh edition of the event featured a total of 90 presentations, 5 round tables and 3 plenary sessions.

The aim of this meeting is to create a space for experts from institutions, industries, universities and administrations to share the latest developments in measurement techniques as well as in current metrological regulations or those in development and the incorporation of new technologies in metrology.

In addition, this edition of the event served as a showcase for all kinds of solutions such as smart sensors, quantum technologies, photonics, big data and their potential to revolutionise metrology services.



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