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IDEKO showcases in Dublin new technologies to reduce vibrations during machining of parts

IDEKO showcases in Dublin new technologies to reduce vibrations during machining of parts
  • The Researh center presented its solutions at the international forum to enhance precision and efficiency in manufacturing processes.
  • The 72nd General Assembly of the International Academy for Production Engineering took place from August 20th to 26th in the capital of Ireland.

IDEKO, a technological center and a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), played a significant role at the 72nd General Assembly of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), the leading international organization for applied research in advanced manufacturing. This event, focused on advancing applied R&D in manufacturing, brought together professionals and world-renowned experts from August 20th to 26th at the University College Dublin campus in Ireland.

As a prominent player in applied R&D for the industry in the Basque Country, IDEKO had a prominent presence at the assembly. The center showcased technological solutions aimed at enhancing precision in the manufacturing of parts.

An intelligent damping solution

During the first talk led by IDEKO, "Virtual vibration absorber for active forced vibration reduction," Xavier Beudaert, a researcher from IDEKO's Dynamics and Control research group, introduced an innovative technology designed to mitigate vibrations caused by unbalance in high-precision grinders.

By using an intelligent system that emulates the behavior of a physical damper, spindle vibrations are effectively minimized resulting in enhanced machining precision and the production of higher-quality components.

Stabilizing and mitigating vibrations

The research center also participated in two other presentations in collaboration with other institutions: the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).

In the first presentation, titled "Machining stability improvement in LPBF printed components through stiffening by crystallographic texture control," Haizea González-Barrio from UPV-EHU introduced a solution aimed at optimizing the manufacturing of complex components generated using the "laser powder bed fusion" technology.

Jokin Muñoa, scientific director of IDEKO and head of Dynamics and Control group, has contributed to this research, which addresses the instability experienced by these components with thin walls and complex shapes during the post-machining process.

As Muñoa points out, "the new method leverages the crystallographic effect, which impacts the strength and behavior of these materials, to make the components stronger and more stable, thereby reducing vibrations and enhancing the quality of the manufacturing process."

On the other hand, the presentation titled "Flip-validated milling process in a hardware-in-the-loop environment," delivered by Zoltan Dombovari from BME, showcased an advanced high-speed system designed to understand vibrations stemming from milling operations.

Álex Iglesias, a researcher from the Dynamics and Control group at the technological center, has been involved in the development of this solution. He explains, "By simulating real milling conditions with a spindle subject to an emulated high resolution cutting force, we can identify the frequency causing the instability, thereby mitigating it and enhancing precision during machining."

A Synergistic Anti-Vibration Solution

IDEKO also participated in the presentation titled "Synergistic integration of vibration absorption and damping into 3D-printed fixtures for thin-wall machining," delivered by Abdelkhalick Mohammad, professor at the University of Nottingham. Javi Picavea, a researcher from IDEKO's Dynamics and Control group, contributed to its development.

During this talk, two methods were introduced for damping and mitigating vibrations during the machining of thin, hollow, or complex shaped parts, which are sometimes discarded and remanufactured.

"To develop this system, two techniques have been combined into a synergistic solution that adapts to different shapes and functions as a damping mechanism," explains Picavea.

More Efficient Machine Tools

Lastly, Burak Sencer, who carried out a research stay at IDEKO in 2022, contributed to the event with another notable research work during the presentation "Real-time trajectory generation for dual-stage feed drive systems."

Sencer showcased an innovative solution to enhance speed and precision in machine tools through dual-stage actuators. These systems provide both speed and accuracy in tool movement, resulting in more efficient and precise machining across various work scenarios.

Líder en fabricación avanzada

This year, Dr. Jokin Muñoa, Dr. David Barrenetxea, Dr. Xavier Beudaert, and Dr. Gorka Agirre have represented IDEKO in the event, strengthening its leadership in the field of advanced manufacturing since its incorporation in 2003 as a member of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP).

Furthermore, IDEKO stands out as one of the most prominent centers in Spain with 4 members in this prestigious organization at the forefront of applied research in manufacturing. Among its research team, there are two Fellow members: Jokin Muñoa and David Barrenetxea; Gorka Agirre as a Corporate member; and Xavier Beudaert, who is not only an Associate member but was also honored with the Taylor Medal in 2019 for his outstanding scientific work in the development of portable active dampers, becoming the first researcher in the country to receive this recognition.


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