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Boeing and Rolls-Royce's British R&D centre meets in the Basque Country to find out about Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

Boeing and Rolls-Royce's British R&D centre meets in the Basque Country to find out about Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

The board of directors or AMRC has held its meeting at IK4-IDEKO facilities in Elgoibar and has visit DANOBATGROUP.

The world's leading companies in aeronautics and production systems, such as Boeing, Airbus and BAE Systems have been present at the meeting.

The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), established by the University of Sheffield together with Boeing, Rolls-Royce and other top-level industrial partners, have met today at Elgoibar to hold its board of directors meeting.

The centre, which is the European benchmark for research in the aeronautics sector, has decided to move one of its two annual director's meetings to the Basque country to get to know at first hand the capabilities in Advanced Manufacturing locally; the Basque Government is firmly committed to this area, within the framework of the RIS3 strategies for smart specialisation, in order to make industry more competitive at an international level.

In fact, the AMRC meeting has been held at IK4-IDEKO's headquarter in Elgoibar, the technology centre specialised in manufacturing and industrial production technologies, with which the British centre has been collaborating for several years. During the working day, the attendees has also visited DANOBATGROUP's facilities, which is the main partner of the technology centre as well as a regular supplier to several of AMRC's partners. Specifically, they have visited DANOBAT and SORALUCE facilities, two of the European leading companies in the machine tool and manufacturing sector.

Among the attendees at the AMRC meeting some of the principal international companies in the aeronautics and production systems sector has been represented, to which Advanced Manufacturing provides crucial R&D in order to be competitive. Among these can be highlighted: Boeing, Airbus, BAE Systems, Diad Group, DMG Mori Seiki, Hexagon Metrology, Messier Bugatti Dowty, Sandvik Coromant, Starragheckert, Technicut, UTC Aerospace Systems and Wardjet.

The welcoming ceremony has been attended by relevant institutional representatives such as Ms. Estíbaliz Hernáez Lavina, Deputy Minister of technology and competitiveness of the Basque Government, Mr. Alex Arriola, General Manager of SPRI -The Basque Business Development Agency, Mr. Jon Peli Uriguen, Regional Deputy for Innovation, and Mr. Alfredo Etxeberria, Mayor of Elgoibar. Likewise, the Director of Technology and Strategy of the Basque Government, Ms. Leire Bilbao, has accompanied the AMRC during the visit to the different facilities of IK4-IDEKO and DANOBATGROUP.

"Excellent opportunity" for the Basque Country

It is customary for the AMRC board of directors to hold the meeting outside the United Kingdom once a year, in order to enable its members to meet companies with whom new partnerships in R&D for the development of future aircraft components can be established, such as DANOBATGROUP, who is already developing projects with some of the partner companies of AMRC. On this occasion, the British centre identified the contribution of IK4-IDEKO in terms of R&D in Advanced Manufacturing as valuable, and they wanted to take the opportunity to find out about it in first hand.

The visit is of special importance at a time when the Basque Government is working on a strategy to set up Advanced Manufacturing Centres (CFA) in the Basque country, while AMRC is a benchmark of it at European level.
In the words of the Managing Director of IK4-IDEKO, Mr. Ramon Uribe-Echeberría, AMRC's visit is "An excellent opportunity for the Basque country to demonstrate its capabilities in Advanced Manufacturing". "After maintaining for years a close collaboration with the AMRC, which is a benchmark for us, we find extremely positive that the ARMC has choose us for the meeting, as it will give us the opportunity to show them in first-hand how our management model and how we focus R&D on results for companies”.


DANOBATGROUP–European leader in machine-tool manufacture- innovates and delivers turnkey solutions and stand-alone application oriented machine for high tech industries and customers demanding highest technological requirements.

The group is the machine tool division the MONDRAGON Corporation, it counts with over 1,222 employees around the globe and a turnover of € 230.

DANOBATGROUP is a worldwide leading supplier for the aerospace sector, providing the most advanced machining solutions to critical components of aircraft engines and landing gear (such as rotor, stator and main axes) to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)  and leading worldwide airlines. It collaborates with Rolls Royce, General Electric and Boeing among others.

The group has extensive experience working for the development of advanced technology machines and processes together with leading manufacturers of the aeronautical industry. It is also collaborating in the development of production means engines for future one corridor aircrafts.

About AMRC
The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) was established at the end of the 90s by the University of Sheffield and Boeing to incorporate technological advances in new materials into the aeronautics sector. Currently, it identifies, researches and resolves problems relating to Advanced Manufacturing for the more than 70 companies that it currently comprises, from the huge giants of the international aerospace industry to the British SMEs in the sector.

The centre has 200 highly qualified researchers in two buildings at the Advanced Manufacturing Park in South Yorkshire, which work on R&D projects grouped into five lines: Machining, Assembly, Composite Materials, Structural Testing and Design and Prototyping. It has finance from the European Union.

IK4-IDEKO is a technology centre, with its headquarters in Elgoibar, Gipuzkoa, specialising in manufacturing and industrial production technologies. It was created in 1986 to respond to challenges with a high technological content of the MONDDRAGON Corporation's machine tool companies; today it has more than 100 researchers and a portfolio of more than 50 customers a year and 9 business partners, among which are the DANOBATGROUP, MONDRAGON Corporation, Zeiss and Rofin companies.

Its R&D activity is aimed at offering differentiating technological solutions to companies that allows them to improve their competitiveness, and it is a grouped around eight research lines: Strategic Innovation, Machining and Production systems, Dynamics and Control, Mechanical Design, Intelligent Software, Manufacturing Processes, Inspection and Measurement, and Microtechnology and Ultraprecision.


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