Last news about IDEKO.

A fresh impetus to the digital transformation of industry

A fresh impetus to the digital transformation of industry
  • The JANO project, in which IDEKO, the specialist in Advanced Manufacture research centre is taking part, will promote the realisation of new concepts such as smart factories.
  • The initiative will attempt to achieve an improvement in competitiveness through zero defect manufacture and the elimination of the downtimes of machines and products in service.

Smart factories, interconnected products, new business opportunities and more effective knowledge management will be the fundamental axes around which the JANO research project will revolve, and the IDEKO research centre, a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), is taking part in the project.

The initiative, which started this year and is led by ITP, seeks to develop technologies linked to digital transformation. Specifically, the developments envisaged in JANO (Joint Action towards Digital Transformation) will be focused on the global management of the network data value chain, through the connectivity of machines and products and the use of IoT, Big Data, cyber security and integrated platform solutions.

Furthermore, the initiative is aimed at the field of robotisation and automation, as well as at the fields of additive manufacturing and assisted reality, through the development of artificial vision techniques, virtual reality and augmented reality.

It is envisaged that the different members of the consortium will implement the different technologies with the aim of achieving an improvement in competitiveness through zero defect manufacture and the elimination of the downtimes of machines and products in service.

"The project consortium has a multidisciplinary nature and is made up of companies from different and complementary sectors, since the purpose of the initiative is to drive the development of technologies aimed at digital transformation, a field that cuts across all the activity sectors and on which competitiveness in the medium and long-term depends", said the person responsible for the initiative at IDEKO, Elena Urkia.

Specifically, the research centre specialising in Advanced Manufacture will provide its knowledge and high degree of specialisation in the development of advanced solutions, based on digital technologies, for the capture and processing of data from the machines, automation of the manufacturing environments and the construction of interconnected and intelligent production plants.

In addition to ITP and IDEKO, the following also participate in the JANO project: Siemens Gamesa, Gestamp, Danobat, ONA, Renishaw, Trimek, Nippon Gases, the UPV/EHU, University Carlos III of Madrid, the IMDEA, the BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Azterlan, Innovalia and Tekniker.

The JANO project, which comes within the framework of the CIEN 2019 (National Business Research Consortiums) call for proposals from the Centre for Industrial Technology Development (CDTI), started on February 4 this year and will last for 3 years.

The Basque research centre IDEKO prizes its more than 30-year track record devoted to research, development and innovation of new technologies applied to manufacturing and industrial production. IDEKO is a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance - BRTA, of the Basque Digital Innovation Hub network, of the Spanish Robotics Technology Platform HISPAROB and the euRobotics association.


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