Last news about IDEKO.
17/02/2010Seminar on Micromanufacturing

The Seminar on Micromanufacturing will be held on February 25th at the IK4-IDEKO premises in Elgoibar in the framework of the European Project Launch Micro.(Contract number NMP2-CT-011795).In the morning, the results of the project funded in the 6th Framework Programme will be presented as well as some success cases of micro-manufacturing and ultra-precision technologies. The seminar will end with a tour of the IK4-IDEKO facilities where you will be shown several prototypes and demonstrators of the developments in the Launch Micro Project.
Attendance is free. However, the number of attendees is limited, so please register. To register, please contact IK4-IDEKO by e-mail at or by phone at (+34) 943748000.