29/08/2017INNGUMA, a new dimension for competitive intelligence

INTELSUITE, the specialised competitive intelligence software from the IK4-IDEKO Research Centre, is at the beginning of a new cycle in which it will seek to improve the user’s experience, and is characterised by a new brand-name that reflects its consolidation as a state benchmark in technology watch and which will underpin its future progress.
INNGUMA was the name chosen for this new stage, which arrives three years after the emergence of a tool that has achieved a base of 3000 users and customers in its short life.
The initiative, which began life as a solution for internal use, has reached a state of maturity that inspired a reflection on its future prospects, which has now crystallised in the name change.
The new dimension acquired by INTELSUITE, a term created from the words intelligence and suite (set of applications), deserves its own name that goes beyond the mere joining of generic concepts, reflects its functionalities and refers to its geographical origin.
The term INNGUMA means butterfly in Basque, a word through which those responsible for the solution sought to reflect the geographical origin of this advanced tool developed with Basque technology, and which is the fruit of a Basque technology centre’s commitment to innovation.
INNGUMA’s future challenge is to continue growing through increasing its customer base, committing to training and conveying the importance of competitive intelligence and technology watch in the current context and, to achieve this, it needs a genuine, authentic and recognisable name.
Currently, the number of requests for demonstrations to see how the tool works - which come from various parts of the world, including the other side of the Atlantic - does nothing but grow.
Nevertheless, those responsible for the tool hold the firm conviction that this is just the start. INNGUMA has vast growth opportunities, consequently, there are high hopes in this new period that is now beginning of continuing to place competitive intelligence within the scope of any company, organisation or entity, irrespective of its activity sector and business size.