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IK4-IDEKO showcases its capacities advanced at the main international forum for industrial manufacturing

IK4-IDEKO showcases its capacities advanced at the main international forum for industrial manufacturing

The technology centre IK4-IDEKO made a strong appearance at the last meeting of the International Academy for Engineering Production (CIRP), a leading organisation in production engineering research, where it solidified its position as a reference entity in the development of damping and chatter control systems for industrial machinery.

The encounter held between 21 and 27 August in the Portuguese region of Guimarães aims to boost R&D among the members of CIRP, the leading body in the sector that pursues to create an international network of researchers and other relevant stakeholders in the field of industrial production.

In the framework of this institution and with the aim to provide relevant information, this year 136 articles and 12 keynotes were published.

 IK4-IDEKO played a relevant role in the latest edition of the assembly with an appearance of the manager of the Dynamics and Control line at the Basque technological centre and associate member of the CIRP, Jokin Muñoa, who presented a keynote paper and an article.

Also, a researcher of this same line and a corporate member of the academy, Xavier Beudaert, and a researcher of the Machining and Production Systems line, David Barrenetxea gave presentations at the event.

Jokin Muñoa, member of the group innovation in machinery, presented the keynote paper "Chatter suppression techniques in metal cutting", a work that specifies the latest breakthroughs made in chatter damping systems. Some of the finest professionals in this discipline at an international level have contributed to this work.

In addition, Doctor Muñoa presented a second article on a self-tuning damper for damping of clamping devices. This new product is capable of measuring the vibration frequency of the structure and making automatic adjustments to reduce the vibration intensity.

 Furthermore, Doctor Xavier Beudaert also spoke on Industry 4.0 "Towards the smart connected machine" framed in the collaborative working group on "Self-optimizing machining systems".

This presentation focused on machine monitoring and inclusion of advanced techniques to enhance productivity. The work also helped to disseminate the European project MC-Suite led by IK4-IDEKO and the latest developments of the machine tool manufacturer SORALUCE in the search for monitoring solutions and increasing productivity of their machines.

 Doctor David Barrenetxea presented the article "Grinding with controlled kinematics and chip removal" that deals with the definition of optimised grinding cycles using variable speed techniques and strategies. The application of these techniques makes it possible to gain a greater control on chip removal and the kinematics of the process at the same time.

The presence of IK4-IDEKO researchers at meetings of CIRP confirms the relevance of the technology centre as a reference entity in the research of techniques applied to advanced manufacturing and in innovation aimed at industry.

To make a keynote presentation at this forum it is necessary to have obtained international recognition in the addressed field and it is essential that the topic is currently relevant and of high interest to the rest of participants.

 Keynotes are considered as one of the greatest contributions of the academy, since they imply an in-depth analysis of the progress on next generation technologies and trends for the future.

CIRP holds two assemblies every year with the mission to disseminate R&D in the field of manufacturing, share knowledge and analyse future prospects.