Last news about IDEKO.
02/02/2010IK4-IDEKO holds first symposium on Competitive Intelligence

Last January, IK4-IDEKO held the first symposium on Competitive Intelligence in the head office of the Technology Centre.The event started with a presentation of activities and Research Lines of the Technology Centre by Nerea Aranguren, Director of Innovation and Technology Operations of IK4-IDEKO. She also outlined the subject matter of the symposium framed in the Research line of Strategic Innovation.
This was followed by a presentation by Ander Azcarate PhD, manager of Strategic Innovation, about the Innovation model developed by the technology centre which leans heavily on competitive intelligence.
Thirdly, Juan Antonio Arrieta, researcher of IDEKO-IK4, who recently achieved his Doctorate on research into the "identification of added value of competitive intelligence systems", presented the main results of his research to the attendees, mainly from industry.
After a break during which the attendees were able to exchange their ideas and experience in competitive intelligence, Elena Urkia, researcher from Strategic Innovation, presented some of the most successful cases of IDEKO, and clearly differentiated between CI models, CI tools and CI support systems.
A visit to the facilities of IK4-IDEKO ended the symposium. The attendees were able to get first hand information on some of the most innovative projects in which the Elgoibar Centre is involved.