Last news about IDEKO.

IDEKO participates at the Metromeet congress

IDEKO participates at the Metromeet congress

The Design and Precision Engineering researcher, Pablo Puerto, is participating in the 18th International conference on metrology in industry.

The event, organised by the Innovalia Group, will be held in Bilbao on 7 and 8 April in hybrid format (in-person at Euskalduna, Bilbao and in online format).

Within its specialisation in precision engineering solutions applied to industrial metrology, IDEKO, a member of the BRTA alliance, is participating also this year at the Metromeet Congress, a pioneering event that, on 17 occasions, has welcomed doctors, technicians and representatives of industrial companies whose aim is to support industrial production through metrology.

At this event, IDEKO will participate, together with Tekniker, with a presentation entitled “Vision integrated system for a robot self-calibration solution through a 6 DOF uncertainty assessment”.

The work has been carried out within the Precitek, precision engineering project for improving manufacturing means, which has financing from the Elkartek programme which is intended to support Collaborative Research within the Basque Network of Science and Technology.

This project focuses on handling and production means and on how to improve and maintain precision stable in this equipment during manufacturing processes, so that defects can be minimised (zero-defects) and the efficiency of the system is increased.

Specifically, IDEKO's work is based on developing a vision system that, together with a standard, will allow the position of the end effector of the robot to be calculated based on the requirements defined by Tekniker. To reach this milestone, simulations and basic tests have been carried out in order to determine the characteristics that this standard must have.

The Congress is aimed at professionals and users from companies in the metrology sector, together with representatives from different International Universities and Research Centres of recognised prestige.

Further information on the Congress here