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19/10/2010Ideko-IK4 reference in the field of solution of vibration's problems

The research center Ideko-IK4, participated on the 20th to the 22th of September in the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) in the "International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering" and talked about the "active control of chatter in processes of mechanized using an inertial actuator".In this event whose approach is in experimental and numerical methods, IDEKO-IK4 within the session of active control of vibrations, presented a paper on the subject of the "active control of chatter in processes of mechanized using an inertial actuator".
In the dissertation was explained the problematic of chatter in the machine the tool and the solution by means of the use of an inertial actuator to increase the stability rank. This allows to apply conditions of milling more demanding and in this way to increase the productivity of the process. The new development of the work carried out consisted of the use of an alternative law of control to the habitual one that it allows to improve the yield in some aspects. There were shown the experimental results in several structures including a video that explained how the proposed control was able to eliminate chatter in a milling process.
The dissertation realised by Aitor Bilbao, doctor of the "dynamic and control" research line of Ideko-IK4, had great acceptance and was a sample of interest between the professionals who attended the conference.
The modal analysis and the structural dynamic test were one of the spines of the conference.
The conference counted with two keynotes, first on "for Silent trains the future, an for industrialist approach low noise design" realised by Mrs Siv Leth, Bombardier Transportation. The second one "Signal Decomposition for Symptom Enhancement : A journey from Fourier analysis through time/frequency analysis to blind source separation" was given by Professor Bob Randall, University of New South Wales, Australia.